11.05.2022 - Lebensmittel

Food clarity: Milk substitute should not be called "vegetable milk”

Food clarity: Milk substitute should not be called "vegetable milk”

 According to EU Regulation 1308/2013, the designation for dairy products is strictly regulated. The designation "milk" may only be used for foods that come from the udder of animals.

Accordingly, designations such as "milk," "yogurt" or "cheese" are not permitted for products made from oats, soy or other plants. Also, the label or advertising of such products must not give the impression that it is a dairy product. For this reason, the Wettbewerbszentrale (German Competition Center) considered the use of the term "milck" to be a clear violation of the EU regulation. The Stuttgart Regional Court confirmed this view. The current decision shows once again that even allusions to milk products should be viewed critically.

We carry out labelling tests as standard.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer advisors.


