05.05.2022 - Kosmetik

Safety Gate alerts April 2022 - Microbiological contamination with P. aeruginosa

For the month of April, the following notifications were mentioned in the European rapid alert system Safety Gate for the category (consequence is a public product recall or withdrawal from the market):

- Several products showing contamination with germ Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

- Possible risk of injury due to gas formation during opening (hydrogen peroxide)

- Increased concentration of p-phenylenediamine (PPD)

- Methylisothiazolinone and chlorphenesin

The germ Pseudomonas aerugionsa belongs to the so-called specified microorganisms, which may not be contained in cosmetics according to ISO 17516.

The BAV Institute tests the microbiological quality of your cosmetics for you to comply with VO (EC) 1223/2009. We also test all required chemical parameters as part of our international laboratory group Tentamus.

